It seems to me that a large section of our population doesn't fully grasp the concept of freedom. It has absolutely nothing to do with control over others; in fact, it is quite the opposite. If you need others to live a certain way for you to be comfortable you're doing it wrong.
What is the reason behind individuals believing that the personal freedom of others, whose life decisions they disagree with, inhibit or take away from their freedom? It doesn't...just live your life, unconcerned with what others are doing. This is what freedom is.
Why spend precious time and Energy worrying about what others are doing? Freedom has a few definitions, but for this blog post let's use this one: "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." Others are allowed to live as they choose. This doesn't mean you are allowed to be a jerk (although, I suppose you are free to do so.) But, do you realize you are hindering or restraining others so that you feel more free as you exhibit control over them? People have the right to think the way they think. It doesn't affect you.
Just because you have to see something you don't like, doesn't mean you are entitled to force it to change. Just move on. If it does affect you and someone is being rude, that is a whole different story. But, generally speaking, if you are not being truly harmed, move along.
"The land of the free, home of the brave"? It is pretty damn brave to let others have their freedom.
Bravery is "the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty." - Oxford Dictionary
Being brave doesn't mean fighting.
If you don't believe in something—then make sure you don't do it within your life! Don't project your beliefs onto others who have different belief systems.
If you are truly free, the need or compulsion to control anyone else will not be present!
Why are some preaching and cheering "Freedom!" but: Forcing certain religious beliefs on people? Demanding that they play by their rules? Enforcing the laws of their holy book on others?
The greatest gift we can give others is the freedom to live their lives without trying to exhibit any form of control over them.
I'm talking friends, family, and even enemies. It is not always easy to overcome the tendency to want to control what other people do. It has become pretty natural for humans.
It is a practice.
It takes personal work.
Do yourself and everyone around you a favor: live and let live. Just because someone is doing something that is against your belief system (as long as they are not hurting anyone) just go on with your life! Move right along. Don't comment on their personal life or choices. Don't judge them aloud or on social media. Don't insist they do life another way. Give them the freedom to live as they choose.
Generally speaking, their choices shouldn't matter to you. It is ok not to agree...but what gives you the right to force others into believing what you do? There are many ways you can understand the same thing. Let it go.
If you don't want a gun, then don't buy one (yes, gun violence definitely needs to be addressed). If you don't want an abortion, make sure you don't get one (no, everyone who is pro-choice doesn't run to get abortions at the drop of a hat. They just want the choice. And the freedom to make that choice if it feels necessary. And you have the choice not to). If you aren't in the LGBTQIA+ community because you happen to love traditionally, then leave us alone and continue doing that. We're not bothering or negatively affecting your life and we don't care how you live yours.
Why do we want to take people's choices away? Puzzling to me.
Seek to be understanding and kind. Be open-minded. Be respectful. Challenge yourself to feel a little uncomfortable to grow as a human. People do not want to follow your life choices within their own lives; everyone is different.
Consider treating others how they want to be treated, not how you want to treat them.
This message is not aimed at one side or the other. It's for everyone. And, if you felt this post justified any anger or hatred you're holding, you read it wrong. If you aren't sure about something I wrote, don't assume you know what I meant or intended—just ask me.
That's all. Carry on.
By Stacy Piccolo